Monday, November 22, 2010

BJ Penn Knocks out Matt Hughes, Rampage Wins over Machida

UFC 123 were in I watched the whole fight until the main event that was around 2:30 am on the replay broad casted on studio 23. Some of the under card fights were great but some as usual have many "BOO" reactions from the fans.

But I was so excited to watch the trilogy of BJ Penn vs Matt Hughes as they settle the score inside the octagon. It was years ago when BJ Penn defeated Matt Hughes for a title fight on the lightweight belt. But on the rematch Matt Hughes came back for vengeance.

On this third fight BJ Penn was deadly as he attacked and finished the fight in just 21 seconds on round 1. As the fight started I was on the edge of my seat and was clueless on how it will end. But as soon as BJ Penn connected on his punches Matt Hughes was unconscious.

And as BJ Penn noticed it was a hard hit. He then immediately followed with vicious striking punches and hammer punches. Then the referee stopped the fight seeing Matt Hughes lying unconscious.

Quintin "Rampage" Jackson Vs Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida

Rampage brute force prove to be one of a kind after winning a split decision against Lyoto Machida. On the first round Quentin Jackson's offense and defense keep hounding Lyoto Machida. As Machida keep throwing and swinging kicks that would hurt Quentin Jackson. But as If Rampage could not feel any of those kicks so Machida had a different plan for another round.

On round 2 Machida would attack Rampage and both fighters would exchange blows and cover power punch shots. As the fight comes to close edges it was still Rampage accurate hits and blows that will give him edge of the round. Destructible upper cut would damage Machida. But Machida would also counter with winding blows and knees.

On the 3rd round Machida gives everything he got and shows how good he is in grappling and submission techniques. As Machida takes down on Quentin Jackson to perform submission locks. But Rampage would not be easily beaten as his defense and will give him strength to out stand Machida's last attacks.


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