Friday, September 24, 2010

The First Tribe Leader to be eliminated in survivor Philillpines celebrity Edition

It was time again for Magan to go to tribal council and vote a tribe member to be eliminated. And this time the vote goes to there tribe member Buhawi. Solenn, Elma and Mico stick to there plan to vote out Buhawi after there tribe leader voted Doc Ferds. The 3 magan tribe mates felt sorry after what Buwi's choice of eliminating Doc Ferds.

I agree with this 3 Magan people since Buhawi really was not thinking of the circumstances that he just made. That's why there tribe was like being cursed to keep going back to tribal council. Since they lack teamwork and physical tribe members. Such a great loss to magan when Doc Ferds was voted out. And Magan tribe members were kind of disabled as a huge factor was take away.

Buhawi did not think that if he voted out Doc Ferds his tribe will definitely be struggling in the upcoming challenges. Buhawi did not think that Doc ferds experiences and skills will be a great help in the tribe. Buhawi did not also think that doc Ferds will be his strongest tribe member and a loyal ally. Instead Buhawi think of the negative side and considered Doc Ferds as a huge threat.

I mean how can someone be a huge threat to you when your tribe will not make it long. Buhawi did not think to what will Doc Ferds contribute. Now his tribe is being demolished as there will be now only 2 tribes and this are Nagar and Sar Mayee. As a tribe shuffle is being implemented and this could add the game twist and puzzles. As new members will fill the remaining tribe randomly.


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