On the first round both fighters were hyped as they exchange blows and trade punches. As the first round ends both of them got a piece of counter punches that connected on there head,face and all parts that they are aiming
On the second round Bautista wounded Barrera on the nose. The mexican would ignore the blood flowing and getting out of his nose. As he continues to battle it all out. Barrera finished the round with a bloody nose but still was accurate and strong on his punches.
One the third round Rey Boom-Boom Bautista connected a solid left punch to the liver that sent down Alejandro Barrera. Knelling for pain and gasping for air. Barrera desperately remained his poise and managed to get up has he feels weak. When Bautista connected the punch then referee Bruce Mctavish did his job to count Alejandro Barrera. Trying to use the clock Barrera used the space of the ring and trying to avoid Bautista. But the Mexican did not managed to escape any longer as he was get corned and trapped. Then when Bautista reached his spot he was then beaten and knocked out as the referee stepped to save Barrera and to declare a Technical Knockout.
wa jpon ayo mo away si boom-boom, way depensa. round 1 lang jpon na siya inig title fight nya.
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