Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kuwait Fans cheated vs Azkals??

With the intense battle of the football team both teams seek and try there best to defeat there rivals in establishing themselves to advance into the next round. But somehow die hard fans would also do there best so that the team that they are supporting can also win and make it through.
A goal keeper of the Azkals team Neil Etheridge was reportedly distracted by a laser the some Kuwait fans used in order to distract him. Some pictures of this fans pointing a laser beam to the goal keeper.

We all know how fans react and show support to there team. But with this kind of picture captured from the second leg of the game between the Azkals and Kuwait shows a bit of a desperate fans. The fan handling the laser pointing to the goal keeper tries to distract him so that the goal keeper cannot concentrate on the attack for goal.

Some how this kind of act is more likely to be considered as cheating in other words this
statement or article is not pointing to the person using the laser. But this article's purpose
was to let everyone especially those who missed the game and to let t hem know what
happened in the field.

As it is clear that the picture shows that a fan sitting and watching the game was using a laser
and trying to distract the goal keeper of the Azkals. This are just some of the misbehavior
that a fan can show in the game. And in some worse cases is when fans throw something to
the players. Or when fans act like mobs and cause riots all over the place.


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